walk by faith — August 1st

2 min readAug 2, 2021

Stir into flame the strength and boldness that is in you.

2 Timothy 1:6

Photo by Joshua Newton on Unsplash

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for being all that is good in this world. Thank You for being all that is good within me. There is no credit I can give or accept when it is You who has given a million little miracles as well as the grace to cultivate those miracles into gifts, skills, and abilities.

Thank You for bringing me here, to this place of gratitude and awareness of myself in relation to You. I am overwhelmed by Your size and Your strength. It’s good to be in awe over You. Here I was seeking answers and clarity but all along I was looking for what was right there in my face. You are my why. You are why I write every day, and You are more than enough audience.

I receive the instruction that You have given in Your Word. “Stir into flame the strength and boldness that is in you.” At this moment I take that to mean I must have courage in sharing what might be outside of the box and may go against the grain. It might bring discomfort to more people than just me but this is a part of it. A teammate Jonathan said in a speech yesterday that he has to be intentionally uncomfortable to develop his public speaking skills and that’s true for all areas of life. So I will be intentionally uncomfortable and not shrink, freeze, or flee at the slightest detection of fear. I believe that’s what You’re telling me so I will. And You will do what only You can do as I learn to surrender my EVERYTHING to You every single day. Father, You always know best so I will trust You and park my faith in You and You alone. I love You, and I praise You from the inside out. In Jesus’ matchless name I pray. Amen.

always in ❤️





In the words of Poet Robert Frost, “I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”