walk by faith — August 9th

2 min readAug 10, 2021


I chose you! I appointed you to go and produce lovely fruit.

John 15:16

Dear God,

Thank you for choosing us Father! Yesterday I was blessed with the opportunity to connect with several of Your children, my brothers and sisters, including:

Jeff B. (who spoke on the importance of diversity and shared with us special quotes from R. Frost & A. Einstein)

Matthew C. (who spoke on biophilia)

Matt L.

Shawn (who spoke about the origin of the Olympics)


Renee P. (who did a great job as general evaluator)

Eboni B. (who showed up even though it was one of those days & who confidently goes to the beat of her own drum)

Teo (who hasn’t yet given his speech to leadership at the company he works for but will keep us posted on that)

Jeainine (who enjoyed beautiful nature as she tuned in to our meeting)

Tex (who is young but a force to be reckoned with, especially since he embraces not fitting in)

Dave (who said something that stood out “every time we open our mouth we are selling ourselves”)

Jasmine (who did a great job as ah counter)

Monique (who hosted so graciously)

Summer K. (who brought me in with her words and with her being)

Nicholas (who exuded sincerity)

Arebu A. (whose left and right ears made contact with one another through the smile)

Angie R. (who spoke about Pingo and dog’s three primary needs: exercise, discipline, affection)

Emmeil D. (who said something that really stood out to me about fear)

Audrey (whose smile was warm)

Anne K. (whose spirit is so gentle and sweet, it reminds me of my favorite high school teacher Patricia Glomb)

Brenda (who asked great thought-provoking questions)

Collin C. (who is a student in San Francisco)

Dan B. (who spoke about his brush with death in Marble Rock during the Vietnam War)

Brenda P. (who is very lively)

What a blessing I don’t take for granted! I pray that we all yield good fruit that honors You Father. You gave us all that we have, so may we go to You for everything including instructions on how to use the gifts You’ve deposited and for going according to Your timeline. I love you and I thank You for every single person listed (and not listed).

in Jesus’ name,


always in ❤️





In the words of Poet Robert Frost, “I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”